Thursday, October 15, 2009

Going Green

After a little more than two months working at Wardman Park everyday brings new people, new challenges and more learning experiences for me. Everyday I get better on how I talk and interact with guests. One project that are in the works is recycling more at the Marriott. Everyday we go through and throw away several amounts of key packets, folios(receipts), reports, faxes etc. Since our hotel is the biggest hotel in D.C. and we are still in the beginning process of transforming our hotel to becoming more green, it has been hard to regulate. We have some people focused on recycling everyday and some more laxed. We really don't have recycling cans in the hotel, so it makes it difficult for everyone to contribute. One way we ask guests to help out is that in every room we have a green bag for people to recycle if they choose. We have written verbage in their rooms explaining how to contribute and help out the environment. A little goes a long way and I hope that soon our hotel gets more recycling cans and contribute more ways to help the environment. Also, another way that the Marriott hotels in the local D.C. area have contributed to helping our community and environment was about two weeks ago when we had a coastal clean-up day. Our guest service represenative staff was the largest department their. We were pretty excited that we helped lead a positive example to others and show are community spirit.

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